MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This blog has moved

This blog is now located at
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.

For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to

Monday, April 26, 2010

MacGourmet Updated to 2.4.6: Web Importers Updated

MacGourmet 2.4.6, another free, minor update is now available.

This update includes fixes for,, Yahoo Food and web site changes. For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page. You can also get the update using the built-in updater.

MacGourmet Deluxe users: MacGourmet Deluxe 1.2.6 includes all of the above changes. It can be downloaded from Mariner's download page and by using the built-in updater, as soon as they make it available.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

MacGourmet for iPad? Yes!

I've had a lot of requests for information on an iPad version of MacGourmet, so I thought I'd do a quick post on it.

Will there be an iPad version of MacGourmet? Yes, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that there is. The fact that an iPhone version of MacGourmet already exists helps a lot, but my plan isn't to just make a warmed over version of the iPhone version. No, my goal is to make a version of MacGourmet specifically for the iPad, the same way that Apple is making iPad versions of the iWork apps available for it. The iPad provides a lot more functionality than the iPhone, and I want to take advantage of that.

To do all this though, I really want to get one into my hot little hands first, so that I can design everything for it just right. There is also the matter of building a better way to get information to and from the mobile versions (web-based instead of the current Bonjour-based system) so that you can edit your data anywhere, which is something I've already been working on for both the iPad and iPhone.

So, long story short, yes indeed, I'm planning an iPad version of MacGourmet. Stay tuned to this space for updates.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MacGourmet Updated to 2.4.5: Web Importers Updated

MacGourmet 2.4.5, another free, minor update is now available.

This update includes fixes for, and web site changes. For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page. You can also get the update using the built-in updater.

MacGourmet Deluxe users: MacGourmet Deluxe 1.2.5 includes all of the above changes. It can be downloaded from Mariner's download page and by using the built-in updater, as soon as they make it available.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from!

May your holidays be filled with lots of presents and many good meals and tasty treats!

Merry Chrismas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

FoodNetwork 12 Days of Cookies 2009

Every year, maybe because I have this thing about collecting cookie recipes, I look forward to's 12 Days of Cookies leading up to Christmas.

Since I've already grabbed them, you can download all 13 already in MacGourmet format, below. You can also grab the cookies from last year.

Merry Christmas!

Food Network 12 Days of Cookies 2009
MacGourmet download

Food Network 12 Days of Cookies 2008
MacGourmet download

Food Network 12 Days of Cookies 2007
MacGourmet download

If you like these, consider signing up for their service. I've found that it's well worth handing over an email address.

(Note MacGourmet is not affiliated with Food Network in any way, I just really look forward to this every year and thought others here might like it as well.)

Monday, November 30, 2009

MacGourmet Updated to 2.4.4: Fixes Some Rare and Minor Issues

MacGourmet 2.4.4, another free, minor update is now available.

This update fixes a rare issue that can prevent printing, and resolves a couple of other minor problems. For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page. You can also get the update using the built-in updater.

MacGourmet Deluxe users: MacGourmet Deluxe 1.2.4 includes all of the above changes. It can be downloaded from Mariner's download page and by using the built-in updater, as soon as they make it available.

Future update news! For the near future, updates to the Mac and iPhone versions of MacGourmet are going to be infrequent and done only on an as-needed basis, because I'm hard at work on MacGourmet 3 and planning for MacGourmet touch 2. Keep your eyes peeled to this space or future updates as work on both progresses.

Monday, November 16, 2009

MacGourmet touch Version 1.1 submitted to App Store

I've submitted 1.1 to Apple for approval. Typical turnaround, if there are no issues, is around 2 weeks right now. The new release includes the following:
  • - A fix for a timeout issue some people have that prevents them from transferring data from their Mac to their iPhone/iPod touch because the transfer won't start.

  • - A new way of transferring data to your iPhone/iPod using files exported from MacGourmet. This allows people still using 10.4 to transfer their data, and it provides an alternative method of transfer to the networking based one.

You should get notified of the update when it's available.

UPDATE: Version 1.1 is now available. When you update your app, make sure that the version in Settings is listed as 1.1.0. I've had reports of iTunes updates failing, and leaving people with "corrupted" versions that don't work correctly. When this happens, the solution is to first delete the app from your iPhone/iPod. Then connect your iPhone to iTunes and let the sync finish. After it does, you can then check MacGourmet in your list of apps, and reinstall it by pressing the button to update your iPhone. Once you do that, you should be able to transfer your data from the desktop version of MacGourmet to your iPhone using the network or new file transfer methods.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Optional Web Site Importers Updated

All of the optional web site importers have received updates for recent web site changes. You can download the latest versions from the web site importer page.

The updated importers include:,,,,, and Phew that was a mouthful!

To update all of the importers in one step, download the Importer All-Pack, and double-click on the package file to install all of the new versions.

MacGourmet Updated to 2.4.3: Web Site Importer Updates

MacGourmet 2.4.3, another free, minor update is now available.

This update addresses issues with all of the web site importers, and includes updates for changes to the and web site redesigns. For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page. You can also get the update using the built-in updater.

MacGourmet Deluxe users: MacGourmet Deluxe 1.2.3 includes all of the above changes. It can be downloaded from Mariner's download page and by using the built-in updater, as soon as they make it available.

For help or comments: macgourmet [at]